Designed for Video Professionals
Reel was designed to create your own professional video website quickly and easily without any coding knowledge. Video lightbox, video background, live customizer are just some of the theme’s best features!
Designed for Video Professionals
Reel was designed to create your own professional video website quickly and easily without any coding knowledge. Video lightbox, video background, live customizer are just some of the theme’s best features!
YouTube & Vimeo Video in Background
This area can also display one static video instead, without navigation arrows. Self-hosted, Vimeo & YouTube videos can be added in background. Vimeo, YouTube & self-hosted videos are supported by the Video Lightbox feature.
YouTube & Vimeo Video in Background
This area can also display one static video instead, without navigation arrows. Self-hosted, Vimeo & YouTube videos can be added in background. Vimeo, YouTube & self-hosted videos are supported by the Video Lightbox feature.
We are a Creative Agency located in London
Reel is the perfect solution to create a beautiful website for your portfolio or your business. If you're looking to create a captivating presence online, then you've found the right tool. The theme is easy to manage, with a drag-and-drop interface and fully customizable using the Theme Customizer.
Work with us
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